

Dear Ephesians 

 A Teaching series in Ephesians

Below you will find the programme for this series of teaching if you click on the heading for the teaching you are interested in it will take you to that teaching.

Week Ch. Topic Speaker
April 26   An introduction to Ephesians Keith B
May 3   Family Celebration GREEN CENTRE
May 10 Ephesians 1: 1-14 A blessed community Tim & Ange
Breaking Bread
May 17   Pentecost Praise in the park begins at 2:00 p.m.  
May 24 Tender Heart Francis Pidigu from India
An offering will be taken for this work
May 31 Ephesians 1: 15-23
A Community of Prayer
Chrissie Foster Breaking Bread
June 7   Family celebration.  
June 14 Ephesians
A new life
Sue Blake
June 21 Ephesians 2: 11-22 A new community created through Christ David Donoghue
Breaking Bread
June 28 Ephesians 3:1-13 A community that communicates the wisdom of God Tim Blake
July 5 Ephesians 4: 1-16 A community that is united
Nb NOT a family Celebration
Tim & Sue
Breaking Bread
July 12 Ephesians 4:17-5:20 The standards God expects of his community Sam Donoghue
July 19 Ephesians 5:21 - 6:9 A community living in harmony
Pete & Liz
Breaking Bread
July 26 Ephesians 6: 10-24 A community equipped for the Mission Part 1
Part 2: Spiritual warfare
Bladimir Camacho
Brian Foster

The letter to the Ephesians is thought, by many, to be Paul’s finest work. It is a beautiful and meaningful unfolding of a revelation Paul had about

a. Our friendship with God achieved for us by all that Jesus has done
b. The plan Jesus has to bring everything together using us His people.

United in Christ, the Church expresses to the world that same unity that Christ has with God.

Such thought has great relevance for us in 2015. At the global level we see forces at work to tear our world apart destroying relationships between individuals, families, tribes and nations. At the local level we see the need, within the Church, to encourage one another in our unity in Christ.
So through this exploration of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians we hope that we may all be provoked to recommit to our unity with Christ and one another
We always hope that we will hear God challenge us through the word. Our prayer is that all of us having been affirmed and provoked, will be able to find opportunities to explore the challenges that the Holy Spirit will bring to us.

There are some difficult questions to answer in the letter; what we are calling the FAQ’s or Frequently Asked Questions.  In the next week or so we hope to provide you with some material to help you explore these questions on your own or in groups.

Tim Blake, 14/05/2015