During Coronavirus lock-down one the the things we miss the most is coming together for sung worship. Sign up for our daily update to receive the daily recommended YouTube worship song. However we know that worship is bigger than sung worship, we have taken song time as individuals and groups to reflect and write a few Psalms of our own prompted by Sue Psalms on Saturday and here they are:
Psalm A
It's utterly amazing to me Lord God, to stare in wonder, and look around and witness with my eyes the vast variety and the beauty of your creation.
I love the spring season Lord with its vibrant colours, and how everything awakens from the long winters sleep.
I love to sit on a sandy beach close to the water's edge intently watching the gentle waves rolling back and forth, spreading out it's frothy foam. The water washing clean and making all the pebbles shine in the bright sunshine, and the delicate little seashells that were once hiding in the sand.
As I'm sitting on the sand, I imagine the Lord sitting here beside me, and we're holding hands. It's so peaceful and tranquil, not saying a word. It makes me feel safe, and secure.
My description of you Lord is that you are more than beauty, your beauty is above beauty.
Your power is far greater than I can express with words.
Your Love is proven in all your creation.
God the Most - High God, your Love, mercy, compassion is here for all who would like to accept it!
May those hearts that don't know you, be transformed to receive your goodness.
Help me Father, when I feel the currents of life pushing me the wrong way down the stream. Then I cry out oh, Lord come and rescue me! Don't let me float along out of your sight.
You are my help at all times and I'm thankful. Amen
Psalm B
Lord, I feel sad and my heart is heavy
I miss seeing my children & grandchildren
I miss spending time with those I love, those who are not with me now
I think of those who are dying and dying alone
I think of those who are mean and take advantage of the vulnerable
I think of the crisis in our society,
I wonder what will come as we rebuild and move on
I think of those who are rich, but mean spirited, whose workers lack justice
Lord, it is overwhelming.
I know that you are good
I know that you are my Father
I know that you are present with the broken hearted
I know you love each and every person
Oh Lord, I want you to make it all better.
I want people to see Jesus for who he is
Lord, I want people to open their hearts to you to know your love & peace and joy.
Oh, Holy Spirit, come with all your light and glory, and reveal Him who died for our sin
Reveal Jesus, who comes that we may have life
Rescue the lost, the dying, the hurting
O lord let your Kingdom come!
Psalm C
You are my God, you are my King,
You are my Lord in everything
You are the reason
that I will always sing.
You are my strength when I am weak,
You are the rock beneath my feat,
You are the wind Lord,
the wind beneath my wings.
And I will serve you all my days,
For you are worthy of all praise.
Yes, I will serve you all my days,
For you are worthy of all praise.
So, I will not stop praising your name
and I will not stop singing of my love for you,
My Lord and Saviour.
I will not stop praising your name,
and I will not stop singing of my love for you,
The name above all names.
I will serve you all my days,
For you are worthy of all praise.
The name above all names.
Psalm D
Lord, it’s a new day. Day 26 of Lockdown. Not much different from any other day in Lockdown.
Or is it?
It’s a new day. And you might want to do new things today. You might want to teach me new things. To challenge me in new areas. To reveal yourself in new ways. To show me new mercies.
Help me to enter this new day with expectation, not indifference.
With anticipation, not boredom.
With hope, not defeat.
With looking forward, not looking back.
It’s a new day.
With you.
Psalm E
God is the reason and the giver of life,
I let go of my life and lay everything at your feet.
Father thank you that you own me without embarrassment.
You are always there with me in every circumstance in the good time and the bad.
Although you made it perfectly, we messed it up and we’re so grateful you gave us a way back.
You are the Lord on high created the heavens and the earth
In my darkest hour I seek to find you and you are there
My God to you oh God most high, lead me in the way everlasting
The heavens declare your greatness, the sky above the sea below
You reign on high in majesty crowned in glory and light
My God, my King, my everything
Lord our confidence is rooted in your kindness. You alone give meaning to our existence
We emerged from the darkness into the light
Lord words can never be enough to say how much I owe you. To describe the awesome love, you have shown me this far and I just want to say Thank You Lord that I am secure in your love wherever you lead me.
How lovely is your creation for the different seasons and all you’ve done in me
Psalm F
I will praise You Lord with all that I have
I will praise You Lord from the depths of my heart
You are my strength in times of great trial
My Rock in my darkest hours
You are my joy in times of plenty
My Provider of all that I need
I will trust in You for all of my days
And praise You, Lord, for ever
Psalm G
In times of distress, Lord, we know you are there.
Within all mankind we at times witness your goodness surface, and observe your nature contained where we don't expect it.
Even those that disregard your ways, show that your kindness is not dormant within them; sometimes genuinely loving and serving others selflessly, as though they are trying to please you, whilst dismissing any threat to their own existence.
Oh, how we desire that their whole being were in submission to your ways.
How we long for them to fully acknowledge their need of you, to provide them with an eternal hope.
In you alone can there be everlasting joy.
In you alone is there perfect peace.
Distress has no place where the Lord is enthroned.
Psalm H
I praise you Lord, for you are just and righteous in all your ways.
You have all knowledge, wisdom and power.
You understand all mysteries.
No problem we have is too great for you to solve.
Every detail of our life is known to you.
You never fail in anything you put your hand to.
We can have absolute confidence that when we put our life in your hands, you will work out everything, for the betterment of our soul.
Oh, how I praise you, my father and my God.
What more do I need when I have such a friend like you?
Who always remains faithful and true!
I can totally rely upon you, for I know that you care for me.